mc 8 – 5000 year – “I AM THAT I AM chronicle” – “Know Thyself”

As below, so above; and as above so below. With this knowledge alone you may work miracles” (5000-3000BC) inscribed on The Emerald Tablet  –Believed to be from Atlantis times

(5000 cycle approx. Aug 11th 3114 BC – Dec 12th 2012 = 5125 years = 1,872,000 days)

3,600 BC – Neolithic Egypt – Cheops 4th dynasty pharaoh commissioned Great Pyramid 

3114 BC beginning of new 5000 year cycle

3000 BC – Stonehenge

2285 – 2250 BCEnheduannaSumerian poetess – first mystical author using I AM verse

1620 BC – Akrotiri, Minoan Bronze Age settlement buried by Theran eruption (now Santorini – thought to be Atlantis)

1500 BCBook of Exodus (Ch 3.v 11-14) – story of Moses1st mention of “I Am That I Am

Psalm 46.10 – “Be Still and know that I am God”

800- 200 BC – The Upanishads; Yoga Sutras of Patanjali; Vedas; Bhagavad Gita  – Sanskrit sacred scriptures based on the nature of reality and the soul – the highest of wisdom

6th century BC Lao Tzu (Old Master) Chinese philosopher author of Tao Te Ching

5th Century BC – Written above the entrance to the Temple of Apollo at Delphi “KNOW THYSELF”

563 – 483 BCGautama SiddharthaIndian teacher known as the Buddha, founded Buddhism

551 – 479 BCConfusciusChinese teacher, philospher 

427 – 347 BCPlato Classical Greek philosopher, student of Socrates and teacher of Aristotle

460 – 370 BC Hippocrates – Greek physician – Father of Early Medicine

3rd century BC Ancient Library of Alexandria, Egypt – destroyed 47BC – 645AD

100 BC Prajnaparamita Sutra, sacred works of the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures

3 BC – 33 AD Jesus Christ

250 ADMayan civilization

325 ADCouncil of NicaeaEmperor Constantine ordered removal of any re-incarnation references from the bible

570 AD Mohammed founder of Muslim faith

606 AD – Chien-Chih Seng-ts’as, third Chinese Chan (Zen) patriarch and 30th after the Buddha

1100’s The Crusades – Knights Templar – Richard the Lionheart

1182 – 1226St. Francis of Assisi

1200’s Cathars

1207 – 1273Rumi –  – Sufism – Persian Poet, theologian and mystic

1329 – 1389Hafiz Sufism –  Persian (Iranian) Muslin poet and mystic.

1391 – 1474 1st Dalai Lama of Tibet

1450 – 1600 Renaissance Leonardo da Vinci; Michael Angelo; Galileo

1469 – 1539Guru Nanakfounder of Sikhism

1564 – 1616 William Shakespeare –All the worlds a stage”

1757 – 1827 William Blake, English poet, painter, visionary and mystic

1803 – 1882Ralph Waldo EmersonAmerican essayist, poet, philosopher and leader of  the Transcendentalist Movement

1809 – 1882Darwin father of Evolution theory (British)

1831 – 1889 Madame Blavatsky (Russian) started the Theosophical Society

1868 – 1939 Chief Luther Standing BearOglala Lakota Sioux  tribe

1875 – 1961 Carl Jung – Swiss psychiatrist and influential thinker

1876 – 1969 Brahma Babafounder of the Brahma KumarisWorld Spiritual University

1877 – 1945 Edgar Cayce – American psychic & channel – had access to the Akashic Records

1879 – 1955 Albert Einstein

1880 – 1949Alice Bailey English mystic, and writer of spiritual, occult, astrological and theosophical subject founder of the Arcane School – Lucis Trust

1858 – 1947 Max Planckoriginator of understanding Quantum Physics & The Field. Also 1885 -1962 Niels Bohr.  1917 -1992 David Bohn

1879 -1950 Sri Ramana Maharshi – Jnana Yogaphilisophical/intellectual approach to God, by Self Enquiry ‘Who Am I’

1893 – 1952Yogananda ParamhansaIndian , Self Enlightenment Foundation`

1890 – 1925 Rudolph SteinerAustrian The Anthroposophical Society

1906 – 1996 Sir George TrevelayanBritish – Father of the New Age Movement

1908 – 1970Abraham Maslow, American – ‘Hierarchy of Needs’ theory

1917 – 2008Maharishi Mahesh Yogifounder of T.M. – Transcendental Meditation

1925 – 2011 – Sai Baba – Indian – avatar

1928 – 1997 –  Robert Adams – 20th Century American Advaita Mystic

1932Ervin LaszloHungarian philosopher of science, integral theorist

193514th Dalai Lama

1940 – 2015 Wayne DyerWise American Self Help Author & Motivational Speaker

1943Neale Donald Walsh – American spiritual teacher & writer

1944Dr Bruce LiptonAmerican The Biology of Belief – understanding Epigenetics

1946 Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in the Qumran Caves, 2000 years old

1948Eckhart Tolle – German born, Canadian spiritual teacher & writer

1954Greg Braden – American scientist & amazing teacher of today…..

1960 – Rupert SpiraEnglish – teacher of direct path of Self-enquiry – (see Sri Ramana Maharshi 1879-1950)

1976 – 1st published – Course in Miracles – scribed by Helen Schucman

2006 – A Course of Love – Mari Perron, first receiver 1998-2001

2019 – Choose Only Love receiver Sebastian Blaksley 2018

2020 – Journey into the Unknown – receiver Rick Greathouse

2024 – Dewdrops of Wisdom – receiver Marietta Beregi

These last five entries are considered to be direct Christ Mind Teachings 

                                                                                           Amen   –  7.4.21


YUGAA cycle of creation which constitutes 4,320,000 human years.   There are four yugas or ages: – SATYA, TRETA, DWAPARA & KALI.     KALI YUGAThe Iron Age it is the fourth & the present age of creation.  See:- www.isha.sadhguru.or