First of all – when you get to the end of these words of this post there will be a (…) symbol, for further reading you have to tap the title of this piece ‘Amazing news’ and the rest will continue.
georgiespeaceofheaven first went out on the 21st October 2017 and I cannot believe that today, there have been over 1060 visits.
It has been a really interesting 3 months as I observed ‘ego’s’ necessity to want to control and monitor any feedback.
Then as I became consciously aware of what was happening, I saw the challenge I was being given and the opportunity to ‘let go’ further.
Also see the of words of Goethe in – my coursework 5 – which have now made complete sense. TYG
During this time I also discovered a new American teacher Adyashanti whose words of wisdom were all about understanding the ‘egoic mind’ .
always with love
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